We are closure experts.
There is a regulatory framework in place to reduce the risk of orphans, but when they do occur, our role is to safely and efficiently close them with industry funds.
What is an orphan?
The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) may designate a site an orphan if there is no financially viable or responsible owner. The OWA only closes sites that have been designated as orphans by the AER.
Who is the OWA?
Funded primarily by industry, the OWA’s job is to close wells, facilities and pipelines in Alberta that do not have a financially viable and responsible owner. These are known as “orphans”. We make sure people and the environment are protected from these sites and that the people of Alberta do not have to pay for the oil and gas sector’s liabilities. We have 31 people who work for us directly, and hundreds of contractors who are the arms and legs of the OWA.
The OWA is an independent, non‐profit organization that operates under the delegated legal authority of the AER. The Government of Alberta enables us to complete closure work on sites in our inventory through the Orphan Fund Delegated Administration Regulation under the Oil and Gas Conservation Act.
Who funds the OWA’s work?
The OWA is primarily funded by the annual Orphan Fund Levy, which is paid by the oil and gas industry in Alberta. The levy is based on estimated abandonment and reclamation activities for the upcoming year and is set by the AER in consultation with the OWA.
See our Fiscal Responsibility information for more details.