Welcome to the Orphan Well Association

OUR MISSION: To decommission Orphan oil and gas infrastructure and reclaim the land similar to its original state in a safe, principled, and cost-efficient manner.


The final stages of the insolvency processes involving Sequoia Resources are nearing completion. The Orphan Well Association anticipates a number of sites will be designated as “orphans” by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).
We are holding an open house to explain how orphan wells, pipelines and facilities are managed. The AER, Farmers’ Advocate Office, and the Land and Property Rights Tribunal will also
participate in the open house.

Wednesday July 31, 2024
11:30 am to 7:00 pm
Ten-minute presentation at 12:30pm and 6:00pm

Vegreville Social Centre
4802 47a Street Vegreville, Alberta

Light food and beverages will be served
Please contact info@orphanwell.ca if you have any questions or concerns.


On November 27, 2023 the Orphan Well Association (OWA) were directed by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to provide reasonable care and measures for Tallahassee’s wells, facilities and pipelines in Alberta.



This includes the shutting-in of all infrastructure and emergency response actions, if required. Please note that Tallahassee remains a viable entity. Any and all enquires pertaining to Tallahassee or their infrastructure should be directed to the company at 587 392 6467. This includes vendor and surface rent payments and any third-party requests for crossing and proximity agreements.


On September 6, 2023 the Orphan Well Association (OWA) were directed by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to provide reasonable care and measures for AlphaBow’s wells, facilities and pipelines. 



This includes the shutting-in of all infrastructure and emergency response actions, if required. Please note that AlphaBow remains a viable entity. Any and all enquiries pertaining to AlphaBow or their infrastructure should be directed to the company at 587 393 5059.  This includes vendor and surface rent payments.


As part of its investment in the energy industry, the Government of Canada’s plans include a $200 million repayable loan to the OWA. The Government of Alberta has also announced a $100 million repayable loan to the OWA, in addition to a loan announced by the province in 2017 and provided over three years. Service companies interested in working for the OWA can find information in the Work With Us tab.

In addition to loans provided to the OWA, the Government of Alberta also announced the Site Rehabilitation Program, primarily funded by the federal government’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, which will provide up to $1 billion in funding to Alberta’s oilfield service contractors to perform well, pipeline, and oil and gas site reclamation work. The Site Rehabilitation Program is a separate program not administered by the OWA. The OWA is ineligible to apply for grant funding. Please go to alberta.ca/siterehab for further information.

The Orphan Well Association is an industry-funded collaboration among the Alberta Government, provincial regulators and oil and gas producers to work toward a common goal: protecting public safety and managing the environmental risks of oil and gas properties that do not have a legally or financially responsible party that can be held accountable. These properties are known as “orphans.” The mandate of the OWA is to safely and efficiently decommission orphan oil and gas wells, pipelines, production facilities and restore the land as close to its original state as possible.

Further information:

Petroleum Services Association of Canada welcomes federal government aid for oilfield services sector

Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors applauds Alberta Government’s approach to allocation federal well reclamation funds