Closing Orphan Sites

The Orphan Well Association works with industry, government and public stakeholders to manage the safety and environmental risks of oil and gas sites that do not have a legally or financially responsible party. These properties are known as “orphans".

About Us

What’s new?

Trican 12-08-061-05W4 well in Town of Bonnyville

The Orphan Well Association (“OWA”) has been directed by the Alberta Energy Regulator (“AER”) to ensure public safety is maintained surrounding a 1950’s vintage sweet gas well located within the 450 0block between 45th and 46th Avenue in the Town of Bonnyville.

In June of this year, the well, which was previously decommissioned to the standard of the day, was found to be leaking minor volumes of sweet natural gas (methane). The OWA is monitoring the area, has located and exposed the wellbore, and installed a vapour recovery unit to capture gas from the soil. The OWA continues to work closely with the AER, the Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority, and the Town of Bonnyville to ensure the safety of nearby residents.

While the leak is small, plans to permanently fix and decommission this well are nearing completion. A meeting was held on September 11th, 2024 with nearby residents and a future information session will be held for interested stakeholders.

At the time this area of Bonnyville was developed, there were no requirements to identify historic wells as part of development plans. In 2012, rules were established by Alberta Municipal Affairs that changed this requirement to help prevent these types of situations from occurring. For more information on this requirement, please visit

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the OWA at Questions regarding regulatory oversight and historic wells can be directed to the AER at

Invitation to Bid for Purchase of Goods - September 2024

WHAT: September 2024 – Tubing and Sucker Rods Sale

Tubing size diameters are 73.0mm

Sucker Rods sizes diameter vary from 22.2.0mm to 25.4mm

WHERE: The Tubing and Sucker Rods are located in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada

CLOSING DATE: Monday, September 23, 2024

Bid documents can be downloaded using the links below or requested through

  1. Tubing Bid Document
  2. Sucker Rods Bid Document

Bids submissions and all other requests relating to the bid documents, communication & inquiries should be directed to

Do you have Sequoia Resources wells or pipelines on your land?

The final stages of the insolvency processes involving Sequoia Resources are nearing completion. The Orphan Well Association anticipates a number of sites will be designated as “orphans” by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).We are holding an open house to explain how orphan wells, pipelines and facilities are managed. The AER, Farmers’ Advocate Office, and the Land and Property Rights Tribunal will also participate in the open house.

Wednesday July 31, 2024
11:30 am to 7:00 pm
Ten-minute presentation at 12:30pm and 6:00pm

Vegreville Social Centre
4802 47a Street Vegreville, Alberta
Light food and beverages will be served

Please contact for any questions or concerns.

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Tackling a relic from a bygone era

In Castle Wildland Provincial Park, a team effort takes a new approach to solving an old problem

Ensuring the greater sage-grouse survives

Decommissioning in environmentally sensitive areas

Saving salamanders

Protecting species of special concern

Sometimes you need a plan “Bee”

A colony of 30,000 honeybees transitioned to new home

Explore More With Us

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Want to learn how we close sites?

Interested in taking an orphan well or buying salvaged equipment?

Interested in a Working Interest Partnership Agreement?

Looking for a career with the OWA?